Uganda Mapping Project (UG)

Uganda Mapping Project (UG)


June 2022


Uganda Tourism Board


Street View of 2 national parks and the roads to reach them.


Started from a cooperation between our company and the Uganda Tourism Board this project worked as POC (proof of concept) for the national larger one expected for the   for the three-year period 2023-2026 and was focussed on 2 key national parks, the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary  and the Murchison Falls National Park, and the roads from the capital city, Kampala, to those locations.

How we tackled this challenge!

The first challenge was the forced use of the safari jeeps as great part of the project was expected do be done inside parks that need special kind of cars to transit inside.

The jeeps are large and confortable, but not designed to carry the Street View camera, so the first issue to overtake was to adapt the camera mount and internal equipment to the vehicle and a local market of metal suppliers helped us a lot in that task.

With the vehicle properly equipped we started immediately the shooting of some roads in the capital city, trying to avoid the trafic as much as possible, and the 3rd day we headed to the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary mapped the first 185 Km of roads and overall mapped together with the park ranges, the rhino routes including in the Street View a family of Rhinos!

The next stop was the Murchison Falls National Park famous of course, for the homonymous waterfalls, but also for the great variety of animals present inside. We mapped almost 200 km in this great park, most on them on internal roads sourrounded by animals, but also some walking capture on the trails included one close to the waterfall.

At the end, the test capture counted 384 Km. done, all uploaded on Google Maps under the official UTB account. 


Goals and results

Some of the goals archived during the project:

384 Km mapped with Street View 11k. technology.

Virtual tour of some the touristic attractions.

Collected more than 3.000.000 of views.

Created some unique 360° aerial pictures in the parks.



Capturing Street View in Kampala